Monday, December 21, 2009

One Year Ago

One year ago today my mom passed away. I think this time of year will always be a little sad, but I love the sweet peace that the story of Jesus' birth brings. What a wonderful blessing the world was given and with that birth, and later death, came the promise of a resurrection. I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father who loved us enough to send his Son and give us the opportunity to be resurrected and be with our families forever. I love my family, I love the gospel, I know without a shadow of a doubt that it's true. I know that if I live righteously that I will one day be reunited with my mom and loved ones. I hope that this season we will be able to feel the Spirit and remember the true meaning of Christmas.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Rainy Day

I woke up this morning to some nice rain as I was taking Shyanne to preschool. On the way home from picking her up she asked me how Heavenly Father made it rain. I gave her the best answer I could and she said "well I think Heavenly Father has a hose and can turn it on and off to make it rain". Ah the mind of a child :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

From the mouth of babe's

I was just sitting here at the computer playing some games when Shyanne gets up on my chair and while standing behind me says "oh mom you have some white hair". Gee thanks!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Shyanne's costume for Halloween

Costume for the Fall Festival

One of the perks of being married to a photographer is getting some pretty amazing pictures. I liked so many that Nathan took but picked out my two favorite ones to share with you. Shyanne had so much fun this year and is already asking about Halloween next year :)

Our costumes

Dr. Mayo

His lovely nurse

For Halloween this year we decided to go a little traditional and do the doctor and nurse costumes. These pics were taken at our ward's Fall Festival and I have to say it was pretty fun! Shyanne had such a blast playing games, eating cotton candy, going trick-or-treating to different classrooms that she fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Monday, October 19, 2009

As Promised

It's taken me awhile, but I finally have a few pictures of Shyanne's first soccer practice. She had her first game this last Sat. which they won wahoo!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Playing Catch Up

Well it's been awhile since my last post and since I know everyone is dying to know what we've been up to (wink wink) I'll fill you in. At the beginning of Sept. Shyanne finished her ballet/tap class and absolutely loved it! She wanted to try soccer next so we signed her up and it's official I am now a soccer mom. Never thought I would be, but I'm sure it'll be fun. On Sept. 9th Shyanne started preschool with Miss Monica and loves being in school again and loves her new teacher and friends. I'm looking for a new job. The job I have now is going to be non-existent come next May and they're having us leave a couple nights each week after only working 2 hrs. UGH! So I'm updating the resume and trying to find a part-time Orthodontic Assisting job. Other than that things have been pretty normal and I'm excited for the cooler weather that will be coming soon hopefully!

*Pictures will be posted soon

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Getting crafty

I've been really getting into making bows and flower clips so I thought I'd share some of what I've done. I'm debating on whether or not my stuff is good enough to sell so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Too much National Geographic?

This past weekend when we were at the pool Shyanne decided that she wanted to play crocodiles. So Nathan and I played along being the mommy and daddy then Shyanne decided that she would get us some food. She comes back and tell us "here you go here's a nice unicorn". WHAT?!? We told her that crocodiles don't eat unicorns so she says that she'll be back in a minute. When she comes back she tells us "okay here's your zebra. Mommy you get the head and daddy you get a leg." Wow there's nothing like a National Geographic show to break the cold, hard truth to your kid.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Weekend Getaway

Since I work for the Federal Government I got this awesome deal to stay at the Phoenician. So Sat. after my niece's baptism we drove over and right when we got through the front gates we saw a police car. I thought that's right the President is here this weekend I bet he's staying here. We go up a little further and yup he's staying here all right they had a check point. It was kinda weird we had to turn off the car, pop the trunk and hood while these guys walked around our car with a dog and a pole that had a mirror on the bottom checking the undercarriage of the car. We were clear so we went to go check in and the place was swarming with cops, plain clothes secret service, etc. Then there were people all decked out in their best waiting to meet the President, but we knew he'd already arrived because we saw these guys that looked like S.W.A.T. team members bringing their bags into the hotel. I mean you definitely wouldn't want to mess with these guys! After awhile we got used to all the security and felt very safe seeing as how there were over 2500 police there! We did see President Obama (ok just the back of his head) as he was walking with his security and we did see the W.H. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. Of course Nathan had to shout "Hi Robert" and he turned looking a little shocked and waved. We were able to enjoy our weekend swimming in 4 of the 8 pools and just relaxing.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

More Pictures

Riding Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Cinderella's Fairy Godmother

Face Painting

Meeting Princess Jasmine- Shyanne told me she loved her hair.

Meeting Belle

More Disneyland Pics

We waited in line for about and hour and when Shyanne turned the corner and saw Cinderella she was totally speechless! When I asked her later why she didn't say anything she said "Because mommy Cinderella was real". That melted our hearts!

Pictures from Splash Mountain. This was Shyanne's favorite ride along with the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.

Teacup ride


Part of their nightime show

Saying "rrraaarrrhhh"

Mickey & Minnie gotta have one of those

Donald Duck seemed to be her favorite

Skipping w/ Donald Duck

I know this is long overdue. We went to Disneyland back in June and here are some of our pictures.

Friday, July 31, 2009

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Ah can you smell it in the air? It's back to school time again hooray! Okay so Shyanne doesn't start for another month, but I'm so excited because then she won't be telling me that she's bored. Poor thing. I'm sure she'll love her new teacher and look forward to meeting new friends and learning new things!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Huntington

These are what the houses looked like on the property and yes I did say houses.

Picture of the different constellations in the science room.

Replica of Galileo's telescope.

The perpetrator a.k.a. The Stinky Plant

On our trip to California and Disneyland earlier this month Nathan wanted to show us the beautiful gardens they have at The Huntington. All I can say is that this place is amazing! They have different themed gardens throughout the property and we didn't even get to see them all. They also have an awesome collection of artwork, books,etc. One of the houses that we went into had info and pictures about science, which Shyanne loved, the human body and light. In the science exhibit they have a telescope similar to the one that Galileo used which was pretty cool to get an idea of what he would've seen. On the property they also have a conservatory which houses exotic plants, etc. They have this one special plant in particular that I believe is called the stinky plant and for good reason. When it blooms it gives off a scent similar to that of rotting meat- good thing we weren't there when it bloomed! It was a big deal and they had people there from the history channel to cover it. I don't think that we were able to see half of the things that we there, but hopefully the next time we go back to California we can stop by again!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Daddy and Shyanne at Sunset rest point- beautiful view!

I forget just how pretty the red rocks of Sedona really are.

We found this cute little cafe w/ really cheap prices :)

On our hike in Oak Creek Canyon

Since Nathan couldn't get our anniversary weekend off we decided to take a short trip to Sedona instead. We drove up Friday afternoon and came home Sat. Here are some of the pics we took.

Happy Anniversary!

Today I've been married to my best friend for 6 yrs. I can't believe how fast the time has flown by! These years have definitely had their challenges and struggles, but through them we've come out stronger and so has our love for one another. I am so thankful that Nathan is such a good husband and father he loves taking Shyanne on hikes, going to fly kites, etc. It also helps that she's old enough to enjoy these things too ;) I love you and am excited for what the coming years will bring!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ball Game...

Checking out the game.

Cheering for the Diamondbacks.

This girl loves cotton candy!


As part of my Mother's Day present Nathan got tickets from work to go to the Diamondbacks game. We were so excited because it's our first one of the season and it was Shyanne's first time going. Do you think she liked it?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Shyanne Turns 4!

This is before you go in to dine w/ Shamu. As you can tell she was fascinated :) She still talks about going there to this day!

She just looks cute and innocent ;)

Ah yes it starts already!

Hiking w/ daddy

First few weeks at home.

I can't believe that 4 yrs. ago on April 21st I had Shyanne. She has been such a blessing in our lives and has brought us so much joy! Here are 4 things we love about her:

1. She is very sensitive and compassionate.
2. She has a good sense of humor and likes to make others laugh.
3. She loves learning and is always surprising us with things she's learned at preschool or church.
4. She is very sociable and loves making new friends.

Here's looking to many more happy and adventurous years!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Challenger Space Center

Before each "mission" the leader talks to the kids about the space shuttle, what happens when it blasts off, etc.
They have craft projects that go along with the planets and they had these cute space helmets the kids could make!

On April 14th I took Shyanne to the Challenger Space Center for kids space place. It's really cool they learn about a new planet each month and even get to simulate what it would be like to take off to the moon in the space shuttle. Shyanne loved it-sorry these pictures are a little blurry!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Proud Mommy Moment

For those of you who don't know I play the piano in Primary and it's been so much fun since Shyanne turned 3 and is now a Sunbeam! I get to see how she acts with her friends in class and see her learn new songs. Anyways on Sunday it was the Sunbeam class' turn to do opening exercises (prayer, scripture, talk) and they had the people to do the prayer and scripture, but no one to do the talk. I had just finished playing some prelude music when I glanced over at the Sunbeam class and didn't see Shyanne. Finally I looked up front and she was sitting in the chairs- she volunteered to give her first Primary talk! It was only a couple of sentences, but she did such an awesome job and we are so proud of her!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Law Finally Caught Up With Me

After a couple of years I was once again called to perform my civic duty and appear for jury duty. I went last Tues. and was called back in the 2nd group just before lunch. They had us go to lunch and come back and after we sat in a courtroom answering questions from the judge and attorneys. Needless to say I had to come back the next day because they weren't done asking questions. I come back on Wed. and what do you think happens? Yep that's right I was chosen as a juror! So if I don't post in awhile I have a good excuse the trial isn't supposed to end until March 24th or 25th.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So we were driving in the car and a John Mayer song, "Say", came on. The chorus goes "say what you need to say, say what you need to say" and I was singing along when all of the sudden I heard Shyanne's little voice start singing. "Sandwiches need to say, sandwiches need to say" and I busted up laughing. That just made my day!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pictures Of Mom

This is a picture of my mom in Hawaii. She lived there for a couple of years before she married my dad.

In this picture my mom is working at the library in Hawaii. I think she looks like my sister Ammanda.

This was the last photo I had taken w/ my mom before she passed. It was taken on grandparent's day 2 yrs. ago.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Questions & Answers about our Married life

1. When is your "engagement" anniversary: Umm...beginning of March sometime
2. When is your "marriage" anniversary: May 23, 2003
3. How long have you known your spouse: Almost 6 yrs (although I knew him a little before his mission)
4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged: Seriously 3 wks.
5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time: Face to face at my mission farewell
6. What is your spouse's full name: Nathaniel Albert Mayo
7. Do you have any children yet: Yes Shyanne who's turing 4 on April 21st
8. How many: 1 for now
9. Do you have any house pets: Yes a golden retriever named Shasta
10. Do you own a house or rent: Own
11. Do you live in the country or town/city: City
12. What is one of your favorite activities together: Watching our t.v. shows, going on road trips
13.Do you have a favorite vacation spot: Hawaii
14.How many siblings (including in-laws): 14 together
15. What church do you attend: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
16. Is this the church you were married in: we were married in the Mesa Temple
17. What town is your current address: El Mirage
18. Do you work or stay at home: Both I stay at home, but go to work from 10 pm-2 am
19. Where did you honeymoon: Telluride, CO
20: Leave a piece of marriage advice: Talk! Don't just assume they know how you feel and don't be afraid to say sorry first.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


A week ago Shyanne and I went to Nathan's work to bring him some things and while we were there he came out to the car w/some shirts he wanted to try on Shyanne for a Valentine's gift. Well she was pretty tired because she had just gotten out of preschool and we had to run some errands so she was not in the mood to cooperate. As Nathan was holding the shirts up to her she said "Daddy can you hurry I don't want to be here all day"! Nathan and I were completely shocked and started chuckling (quietly) then Nathan asked if I had said that to her and I said no. So it seems like my almost 4 yr. old is turning into a 14 yr. old. If this is what I have to look forward to with a teenager heaven help us ;)

Friday, February 13, 2009


This is where we went sledding and had fun playing in the snow. We think it's called Maverick Mountain outside of Prescott.

Her first time
making a snow angel- not bad!

Shyanne absolutely loved playing in the snow as you can see. She loved sledding, but would cry whenever the snow kicked up in her face; so Nathan put her behind him and she was as happy as could be and would hurry up the mountain as fast as she could for another run!